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There was an incredible buffoon called Cuth

Who fell into some water quite rough

He lay there quite still

Enjoying the thrill

And stayed there till he’d had quite enough


Then this person who really was quite daft

He picked himself up and he laughed

He tied some matchsticks

To a handful of bricks

And he cobbled together a raft


He used both of his hands as an oar

Which he discovered to be quite a chore

For the cause of his muddle

Was only a puddle

So he got off and he stepped back ashore


Now this maniac who hadn’t a brain

Found his balance was now hard to maintain

And ever so soon

He started to swoon

Then he promptly fell straight down a drain


This drain was ever so deep

And the sides were particularly steep

His descent was so quick

As he fell like a brick

Then he landed in a ramshackled heap


He then climbed back up with a grin

Even though he had damaged his shin

For without a doubt

When he got out

His new life as a clown could begin

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